Reading for Reconciliation: Indigenous Reading List

As the Month of June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, it is a great time to explore the world of Indigenous literature. Reading books written by Indigenous authors serves as a gateway to understanding Indigenous culture and history. By exploring Indigenous literature, we can learn about the diverse experiences of individuals who have endured historical marginalization, and whose narratives are frequently excluded from mainstream discourse. In addition, we are amplifying indigenous voices and perspectives. Honouring Indigenous literature is crucial to decolonization and reconciliation efforts.
Indigenous peoples no longer invisible

Most Canadians are not aware that the overwhelming majority of people who identify as Indigenous in this country are more than likely their neighbours.
The most recent census figures revealed that over one million of the 1.8 million people in Canada who identify as First Nations, Inuit, and Metis are now living in urban centres. Only about one third of registered Indians still live on the reserve lands of 634 First Nations.
Once out of sight and out of mind, the result of assimilationist government policies for most of Canada’s first century, Indigenous peoples are becoming much more visible.
Our Story is one

Happy to be thriving in Canada’s culture committed to advancing Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism, Iren Kolterman invites us all on a journey of empathy. Reflect, remember and learn from the story of Ten Women of Shiraz who wanted nothing more in life than to practice freely their Bahá’í faith….
Finding Strength in Allies: The Power of Support in Pride Movements

Pride. What does it mean for me? It may sound simple, but it means I am free to be me.
I remember the first time I went to the Pride Parade in Toronto. Coincidentally it was World Pride as well—the first-time World Pride was held in North America. I was wandering around the different merchants and booths before the parade and ran into a group of people who were looking for volunteers to march at the head of the parade, carrying the flags of the world. I jumped at the chance.