Our Work
How We Do It
Our approach is based on the evolving nature of diversity and the challenges of creating an inclusive organization.
The world is made up of many “cultures” – racial, ethnic, gender, age, disability, education, religious, socio-economic status, world view, etc.
Employing diversity consultants, diversity trainers and diversity coaches, supported by excellent researchers, our job is to help you better understand these many cultures, or dimensions of diversity, so your organization can thrive.
That means, recognizing our clients’ present realities and helping them to succeed.
Some organizations turn to us for specific, just-in-time initiatives such as workplace diversity workshops, individual diversity coaching and cultural competence assessment.
Others engage DiversiPro for a whole-system approach.
We can help you seize an immediate opportunity, respond to a diversity challenge, or create a broader diversity action plan, strategically designed to reach a wider group of customers, audiences, employees and stakeholders.
Our diversity trainers and coaches will help individuals and whole teams to develop competencies for managing diversity, as well as policies and practices to brand your organization as “diversity-smart.”