Truth and Reconciliation

Truth and Reconciliation

As an adult educator and someone who works within the intercultural development and IDEA spaces, I am constantly thinking about Truth and Reconciliation.  In this piece, I share my journey over the course of my life with how I came to know the truth, and how I responded to that truth. My journey will be relatable for some, but I also recognize that for many people, the truth was only revealed in recent years when the remains of 215 children were found in Kamloops at a former residential school. While the last several years have been about actionable ways to accelerate truth and reconciliation within post secondary education, the truth about Indigenous history has been on my mind since my youth.

Five Good Ideas

We are in an era of tremendous change, where everything is being disrupted: governments, institutions, personal lives and the workplace. Innovation expert John Seely Brown calls it the Cambrian Moment. Things are thrown up but they eventually settle down. It is during that time of settling when small moves -- smartly and intentionally made -- can make a big difference. Hamlin Grange believes this is the Cambrian Moment of diversity and inclusion. We need to rethink our positions and attitudes about old concepts and approaches to create more inclusive workplaces, livable and workable cities and productive and relevant institutions. It's a time when we need to stop asking old questions to new audiences. Leaders must be more inclusive, individuals must get out of their comfort zones, and we all must become more interculturally competent. Five Good Ideas 1. Take an integrated approach to diversity and inclusion 2. Become more interculturally competent 3. Culture trumps strategy 4. Nurture Tempered Radicals 5. Lean into your discomforts

We are in an era of tremendous change, where everything is being disrupted: governments, institutions, personal lives and the workplace. Innovation expert John Seely Brown calls it the Cambrian Moment.

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