Trinidad & Tobago Independence Day

Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of Independence: Republic of Trinidad and Tobago: August 31st “A revolution of intelligence, for intelligence, by intelligence.” “To educate is to emancipate.” In the afterglow of the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition, celebrated annually on August 23 to memorialize the transatlantic slave trade, […]

Honoring our Heroes- Musician Oscar Peterson

On August 15, 2022 the Royal Canadian Mint unveiled a one-dollar circulation coin honouring Oscar Peterson (1935-2007). Peterson is the first Black Canadian and the first musician to be featured on a circulation coin. Born in Montreal in 1925, Peterson is widely regarded as one of the foremost jazz pianists of his generation, winning numerous […]

Blackhurst Cultural Centre Commemorates the 10th Annual Underground Freedom Train Ride: “We’re Back on Track”

  The Underground Freedom Train Ride and Emancipation Day Commemorations Still Matter… Recently, Dr. Afua Cooper, Professor in the Sociology and Social Anthropology Department at Dalhousie University explained why issues around slavery and emancipation are still important.  Here is the link to the story: A specific form of anti-black racism: Scholars want Canadian apology for […]

Interculturally Competent Leadership

Members of the Diversity Leadership Council in one client organization identified behaviours of 
interculturally competent leaders and described their own leaders’ behaviours. Here is what 
they told DiversiPro: Leadership is not only a function, it’s a practice. Leaders set the tone in organizations that aim to be inclusive. All employees should have a role in […]

Eid ul Adha and Transforming Diversity

Towards Intercultural Competence: Gathering and meeting others on common ground has the potential to change and transform the people who are part of this journey…  The Islamic holiday of Eid ul Adha takes place on the final day of the Hajj, the Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca and is celebrated in Canada this year on July […]

National Indigenous Peoples Day

According to the Government of Canada website this is a day for all Canadians to recognize and celebrate the unique heritage, diverse cultures and outstanding contributions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. But what does that mean for non-Indigenous Canadians? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that Indigenous Peoples in Canada […]

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